Course Search Results
License/Exemption Number
Facility/Camp Name
Facility/Camp License Type
Facility Address
Zip Code
AS630407256 Victor Manor ADULT SMALL GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 1-6) 1305 Ford Rd White Lake OAKLAND (810) 923-6550 48383 6
AS110064994 Victoria Court Home ADULT SMALL GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 1-6) 3940 Victoria Court St Joseph BERRIEN (269) 428-0753 49085 6
XH360394630 Victoria Heights HOMES FOR THE AGED - EXEMPT 1537 US Hwy 2 Crystal Falls IRON (906) 874-1000 49920 37
AF550415463 Victorian Acres ADULT FAMILY HOME (CAPACITY 1-6) W3585 Land Lane Powers MENOMINEE (715) 587-7374 49874 6
AM380392463 Victorian Jewell Assisted Living ADULT MEDIUM GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 7-12) 5585 Brooklyn Rd South Jackson JACKSON (517) 315-1725 49201 12
XH220410985 Victorian Pines Estates Inc. HOMES FOR THE AGED - EXEMPT 800 E Grant Street Iron Mountain DICKINSON (906) 774-5158 49801 31
AM380392461 Victorian Rose Assisted Living ADULT MEDIUM GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 7-12) 5585 Brooklyn Rd Jackson JACKSON (517) 764-4163 49201 8
AL440413121 Victoria's Assisted Living ADULT LARGE GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 13-20) 4554 Thomas Rd Metamora LAPEER (810) 678-2087 48455 20
AS250415731 Victoria's House Of Hope ADULT SMALL GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 1-6) 1219 North Dye Rd. Flint GENESEE (810) 233-6696 48532 6
AS330389384 Victory AFC ADULT SMALL GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 1-6) 6101 Norburn Way Lansing INGHAM (517) 402-3952 48911 6
Showing 4151 to 4160 of 4444 Results